
Aqua Ultraviolet Classic Sterilizers

(Showing 12 of 19)

Aqua Ultraviolet manufactures UV sterilizers for medical facilities, pharmaceutical production, municipal reclaimed water, aquaculture and drinking water. They also produce a full range of units for residential and commercial aquariums, swimming pools and ponds. Aqua Ultraviolet designs UVs with results to maximized UV dosage allowing for equipment with a smaller footprint that efficiently treat higher flow rates. To help you select the correct size Aqua Ultraviolet unit, we have provided the chart below.

Aqua UV SeriesNo. Of Lamps120V Amp DrawSize Fresh Water Pond ClarifierSize Fresh Water Pond
Sterilizer in Gallons
GallonsMax Flow GPH
Aqua UV 8 Watt 1 0.48 1500 1000 5-200
Aqua UV 15 Watt 1 0.48 1500 1000 200-500
Aqua UV 25 Watt 1 0.48 4000 2000 500-1200
Aqua UV 40 Watt 1 0.48 6000 3000 1200-2000
Aqua UV 57 Watt 1 0.48 6500 3250 1500-3000
Aqua UV 80 Watt 2 0.85 9000 4500 2200-4400
Aqua UV 120 Watt 3 1.33 12000 6500 4400-6000
Aqua UV 160 Watt 4 1.70 16000 9000 6000-8500
Aqua UV 200 Watt 5 2.18 20000 10000 8500-13000
Aqua UV 240 Watt 6 2.55 25000 12000 13000-17000
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