Soilfloc Sealant - 110 lbs
Soilfloc Pond Sealant is a polymer-based product that will seal leaks in just about any waterbody. A polymer is simply a large molecule that is made up of multitudes of repeating identical subunits. Whether it be a small backyard Koi pond or a multi-acre lake, Soilfloc is one of the most cost effective and efficient products on the market.
And the best part is, no draining of the waterbody is required.
The product should be applied to the water’s surface when the waterbody is full. Soilfloc and its impact on aquatic wildlife has been studied extensively and has been found to be biodegradable and non-toxic. It will not affect livestock, marine life, or plants. If you are constructing a pond or water reservoir, and want to ensure that leakage doesn’t occur, Soilfloc can be applied during the construction phase to decrease your chances of having a leak when the pond is full.
How it works
The product comes in two parts, Part A (linear polymer) & Part B (cross-linked polymer). To apply, evenly distribute Part A, then shortly after Part B to the water’s surface. Part A will work by flocculating with sediment in the water column, becoming heavy enough to sink, and will follow the water flow to find the cracks and crevices to seal the leak. Once on the bottom, Part A will swell up to 300x its weight and clog the leaks. This part alone is enough to seal most leaks. Over the following days, Part B will continue to expand in the cracks. Acting together, the linear and cross-linked polymers will tightly seal any leaks you may have in the bed of the waterbody. Since both linear and cross-linked polymers are used, it will work help seal virtually any soil type including shale, gravel, rocky soil, and limestone.
How to Apply:
The product comes in two parts – Part A and Part B. Each bag contains 55 lbs. of polymer based fine granular product. Each unit 110 lb. unit (55lbs. Part A & 55lbs. Part B) will treat approximately 3,000 sq. feet of water. This boils down to approximately 2 oz. of Part A and 2 oz. of Part B per 10 square feet of water. We recommend applying Part A to 10 sq. ft. of area followed immediately by Part B to the same 10 sq. ft. before moving to the next section.
Scroll down for a pond sizing chart.
If you apply by boat, it is best to use a small watercraft that creates minimal disruption to the water surface. Once you have applied the product to a part of the pond, avoid traveling back through the treated area. Forcefully throw both Parts at the water to ensure they mix with each other. There is a chance some product will float on the surface- it happens! This does not mean something is wrong with your product. The full effects of Soilfloc are seen up to 3 weeks after the application.
If done correctly, a one-time treatment is all that is needed to seal your waterbody!
If you are applying at the time of construction, a soil sample should be taken to ensure you have the correct polymer size. Once you are sure you have the correct polymer size, you will till both parts of the product into the soil approximately 4 inches deep throughout the whole bed and sides of the waterbody. You will then want to apply 6-8 inches of clay before it is compacted down. This will give you the best chance of creating a seal in the pond bed.
When to Apply:
You will want to treat your waterbody when the pond is as full as it can get. The more water, the more pressure that will push the Soifloc downward into the pond’s bed. The leak needs to be under the water line for a full 14 days to ensure success. Ideally, there will be little to no wind and no rain. If it is windy or raining, do NOT apply. The ideal time to treat in a pond’s life is when it has just been constructed or is somewhat new.
Dense rooted vegetation or an excess of organic matter buildup can hinder Soilfloc’s ability to flow to the leak and bind to the sediment. If your pond struggles from either of these things, additional applications and or application rates may be required. If this is the case, wait until late Fall or early Spring to apply, as the vegetation should die off around these times.
Benefits of Soilfloc vs. Bentonite and other products
- Easy to use
- Much more cost effective vs. bentonite or liners
- No need to drain the water
- Material is drawn into leaks and seals
- No need for big equipment like dozers and excavators
- Will not harm livestock or your fish
- Non-toxic, biodegradable and environmentally friendly
Note: Ponds with very poor soils and minimal clay may require a geomembrane liner to hold water. Soilfloc is great for sealing small leaks in the dam or bottom area but if a pond won’t hold water and it drains out quickly after a rain, then a liner may be the best option.
See how Soilfloc can reduce water seepage without draining pond.
This is a pond treated in Feb/March 2020. The pond leaked continuously along the dam which covered about 1,000 linear feet and would not hold water in the top 15’. Rick applied 5 units of Soilfloc and was able to reduce the water flow significantly. For application, he waited until the pond was at full capacity, then applied the Soilfloc on the dam side of the pond.
Pond Before Application:
Pond After Application: