The Pond & Rock Shop Sludge Remover Pond Bacteria
This unique formulation is produced using a "no mess" water soluble packet, which simply dissolve in water for easy application
* Reduces toxic ammonia and nitrite * Reduces problem causing nitrate and phosphate * Reduces murky water caused by organic wastes
* Reduces organic bottom sludge (muck)
* Reduces odors
* Works in water temperatures down to 45° F
Directions for Use: Apply one 1 oz. packet per 1000 gallons of pond water every week. For heavy sludge or cold water applications below 45° F apply two 1 oz. packets per 1000 gallons of pond water per week until water clears. For large pond applications apply 15-20 1 oz. packets per 1/4 acre of water every two weeks. Heavy sludge applications can be applied at a double dose until desire results are achieved. * Initial Dose: 1 packet per 1000 gallons * Maintenance Dose: 1 packet per 1000 gallons Weights: 12 Pack - 3 lbs 24 Pack - 5 lbs 80 Pack - 8 lbs