
Microbe-Lift Pond Salt Crystals - 50 lbs


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Microbe-Lift Pond Salt Crystals - 50 lbs

Will help maintain a healthy pond environment and reduce the threat of parasitic disease in pond water.

  • MICROBE-LIFT/POND SALT CRYSTALS added to your pond water can be effective in helping to maintain a healthy fish environment and, in proper dosages, has proven to be helpful in reducing the threat of parasitic infestations in the pond.
  • MICROBE-LIFT/ POND SALT CRYSTALS will temporarily block the toxic effects of nitrite , and by initiating the production of a thicker slime coat on the fish's body surface, helps to promote a stronger immune system and reduce stress.

Salt will not evaporate from your pond. After testing your pond water with a hydrometer, you can add salt with your regular water changes. We recommend mixing salt and pond water in a bucket, and then spreading the slurry around the perimeter of your pond. Be careful to avoid direct contact with pond plants.

Size Item Treats
2.5 Ibs. PSALTSM 100 Gallons
5 Ibs. PSALTMD 200 Gallons
9 Ibs. PSALTLG 360 Gallons
35 Ibs. PSALTXLG 1,400 Gallons
50 Ibs. PSALTXXLG 2,000 Gallons
  • Small ponds: 1/2 cup (120g) per 10 gals. (38 L) of pond water
  • Large ponds: 5 cups (1.13 kg) per 100 gals. (378 L) of pond water

For Stress Reduction:

Use ML/THERAPEUTIC SALT FOR QUARANTINE TANKS containing added electrolytes and Allantoin, which accelerates wound and fin healing.

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