
How to Install a Pond UV Sterilizer

Small Ponds (up to 1,000 Gallons) using a Dedicated Submersible Pump

For small ponds, or for applications where the UV is operated independently from other filters, this installation configuration is ideal. Matching the pump to the UV's recommended flow rate is critical to the UV's performance. Installing an adequate mechanical pre-filter on the pump suction ensures that solids-free water will be sent to the SMART UV.


Small to Moderately Sized Ponds (up to 5,000 Gallons) using Skimmer and Falls/strong>

This is a very popular filter system style. Placing the UV between the skimmer box and the bio-falls filter ensures that pre-filtered skimmed water reaches the UV, increasing its performance while reducing maintenance. Often the capacity of the pump exceeds the capacity of the UV, if this is the case, install a by-pass manifold. Be sure that the skimmer is equipped with mechanical (solid waste removal) filtering capacity.


Larger Sized Ponds (above 5,000 Gallons) Surface Skimmer / Pressurized Filter/strong>

This is a very popular filter system style. Placing the UV between the skimmer box and the bio-falls filter ensures that pre-filtered water reaches the UV, increasing its performance while reducing maintenance. Often the capacity of the pump exceeds the capacity of the UV, if this is the case, install a by-pass manifold. Be sure that the skimmer is equipped with mechanical (solid waste removal) filtering capacity.

The SMART UV is positioned after the mechanical filter where it can receive only solid waste free water, optimizing UV transmittance/performance. Notice the 3-way valve that regulates suction from the skimmer and drain to the pump, allowing flow control. Next, multiple "clean water returns improve circulation in the pool suspending solid waste, helping it to find the filter. If you have a flow rate that exceeds the UV’s, install a by-pass manifold. (see diagram in Medium Ponds)