Blue Thumb Smooth Pink Marble Fountain Kits
A "transitional" fountain design that offers today's popular color trends with stone cut in a formal design. Each piece has 4 smooth sides and is a wonderful addition to any landscape.
ABART1800 Kit: 18"H, 24"H, 30"H
- Small column: 6" X 9.5" X 18" high
- Medium column: 6" X 9.5" X 24" high
- Large column: 6" X 9.5" X 30" high
ABART1825 24"H, 30"H, 36"H
ABART1875 24"H, 36"H, 48"H
Kit includes:
- Achelous molded fountain basin - 48"
- PondBuilder Mag-Drive pump - 1495 gph
- Flow control valve, plumbing, tubing
- Black Polished Pebbles - 200 lb