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Pre-Filters make sure the main filter is able to do its work better. Pre-filters remove coarse dirt particles from the pond water before the water gets to the main filter. Since the water has already been ‘pre-filtered’, the main filter is able to do its work better and will not have to be cleaned as often. AquaForte has several pre-filters in its range, such as sieve filters and drum filters.
AquaForte Sieve Filters
In a sieve filter the water is led out of the pond over a curved sieve. The sieve consists of hundreds of triangular profile wires set 0.2 or 0.3mm (200 or 300 microns) apart. The wires are at a slight angle, so coarser dirt stays on the sieve and the ‘sieved’ water goes through it. The sieved water is then taken to the main filter. AquaForte has several sieve filters in its range, such as the MidiSieve and UltraSieve.
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