Pond dyes work on the light reduction principle. All plants need sunlight to grow. By reducing the amount of light penetration into the water, the dyes effectively reduce weed growth. Early application is critical; dyes should be applied as early as possible in the growing season. To apply, simply pour liquid dye into pond (or throw the water soluble bags in). The dye will completely mix throughout the pond within a short time. These dyes will not stop weed growth, but used consistently, they will greatly reduce it.
One quart is equal to ¾ of a gallon of other dyes on the market! This is non-toxic and harmless pond dye for use in all sizes of ponds and lakes. Treated waters can be used for swimming and irrigation once product is evenly dispersed. Compatible for use with most aquatic herbicides and algaecides. One quart treats one acre of water 3' deep (approximately one million gallons).
These concentrated quarts will save you in shipping costs!