Jenlis Muck Razer
Jenlis is proud to introduce the innovative MUCK RAZER to our lineup of problem-solving tools. Designed with hooked teeth, the MUCK RAZER will reduce muck and dig out the roots of aquatic weeds to give you the swimming and boating area you have longed for.
Cut your vegetation with the Weed Razer, remove it with the Weed Raker or Razer Rake then get to the root of your muck and weed problem with the Muck Razer. The ultimate underwater mower!
MUCK RAZER is simple to use:
1. Roll the Muck Razer into the water. The head will fill up with water and sink to the bottom.
2. Push the drum back and forth across the ‘muck’ and root-infested area. This action will aerate the sediment -accelerating its breakdown -and dig out roots.
3. Repeat until you achieve the desired result. De-rooted vegetation will float to the surface and should be removed.
Why Muck Razer?
• Maintenance free. Galvanized steel agitating teeth, Aluminum handle, and PVC drum.
• 1- year warranty, Follow all local regulations.
• Cost-effective solution to an expensive problem, and no electric power required.
• Easy to store. 3 piece breakdown handle.
*Power drill highly recommended during assembly*