Option #1: Keep Your Pond Running
A pond can be a beautiful addition to your winter landscape. The waterfalls create beautiful ice sculptures, as well as create a natural water hole for wildlife. If you choose to keep your pond running, please keep the following factors in mind:
- You must stay aware of your pond, although the weather may not be very inviting.
- Do not keep the pond running if you out of town for long periods of time.
- You may need to add water periodically since water is lost during ice formation.
- Due to power outages, if a pump is off for a significant period of time during freezing temperatures, it will not be able to start and will need to be unplugged and disconnected if possible.
- Once the lines are frozen, you can't turn your pond back on until it thaws, which is usually in spring.
- If you have a large pond, you may still require a small pump or heater near the skimmer opening
Option #2: Shut Your Pond Down
Most people prefer to stay warm, giving up their waterfall until the spring thaw. If you choose to shut your pond down, just follow these simple steps.
- Most pond owners shut their ponds down in the middle to end of November after most of the leaves have fallen.
- Remove as much debris as you can from the pond.
- Cut back the lilies and any marginal plants.
- Store the pump in a bucket of water inside. You can clean out the biological filter and filter media if you choose. (You can wait for spring to do this also.)
- If you have fish, install an air bubbler or water pump (Aquascape’s AquaForce 1000 is suggested). You can use a bubbler alone or in conjunction with a floating heater. Place the bubbler on a shelf just above the deepest area. The discharge pipe (don’t put on a fountain head) should be submerged just under the water’s surface.
- If you choose to use a heater, place far enough away from the bubbler that it is not getting hit by water.
- Be sure the skimmer and biological filter are cleaned out before turning them on again in the spring.
Aquascape De-Icer - 300 Watts
Aquascape stainless steel Pond De-Icer is ideal for keeping a small
hole opening the ice during cold winter months, and insures proper gas
exchange helping keep fish alive during the winter.
It is important to leave a small hole open at the surface of the pond
allowing for necessary gas exchange. In extreme conditions or gardening
zones above USDA zone 5 we recommend the deicer be used in conjunction
with an Aquascape pond aerator.
This article was written by Aquascape Inc.