
Floating Islands West IPO 400/450 Biohaven Floating Island - 20 Sq Ft.

Floating Islands West

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Floating Islands West IPO 400/450 Biohaven Floating Island  - 5 x 4 ft. 

Environmentally friendly pond products for habitat and water quality improvement

The BioHaven® brand is a leader in Floating Treatment Wetland Technology, with over 5,000 islands launched worldwide. Our product is constructed using 100% RECYCLED PET Plastic and it’s certified as non-toxic. BioHaven® islands are a trusted leader for sustainable pond management practices, used worldwide.

Don’t be fooled by the imitators, you may notice other so called floating islands on the market; however, those products do not offer the benefits that a genuine BioHaven® will provide. In March of 2014, BioHaven® floating islands were approved by the EPA as one of the top 6 innovative products in water quality…not only do our islands offer an aesthetic value, but every BioHaven® floating island that is placed into the water, works to improve water quality. We have the science to back it up through years of data and case studies performed around the world.


The 5 foot x 4 foot floating island (approximately 20 square ft) comes in 2 standard shapes – kidney and rectangular models (IPO 400 & IPO 450).

Each of our floating island models are manufactured with individual planting pockets and can be planted with your choice of aquatic or terrestrial plants. 

From the moment your BioHaven® is placed into the water, even prior to adding plants, our biofilter matrix (proprietary design) kick starts the chemical free pond treatment process through microbial activity. This biological pond treatment will help create a more balanced ecosystem, in turn helping to rid your pond of the high nutrient loads. The BioHaven® is not another versatile floating pond planter, we recognize the need for clean & clear pond water.

Part # IPO400 IPO450
Model# Floating Island 5 x 4 ft Floating island 5 x 4 feet
Shape: Kidney Shape Rectangular Shape
Shipping: Shipping via freight carrier Shipping via freight carrier

IPO 400 floating island includes:

  • BioHaven floating island,
  • 2 anchor points

IPO 450 floating island includes:

  • BioHaven floating island,
  • 2 anchor points


  • Green Product – made from recycled material
  • Handmade in California, USA
  • Clean water naturally, chemical free
  • Our matrix biofilter provides ideal environment for root growth
  • You will get a genuine “floating island,” not a “floating planter” or “floating tub”
  • BioHaven® performs better than any floating planter on the market, we provide a concentrated wetland effect unlike any other product.
  • Plants will grow through the island and into the water, island will look like a natural part of the environment.
  • BioHaven® floating water gardens can be launched in shallow or deep water & will fluctuate to changing water levels.
  • Grow plants using different methods, such as hydroponic, aquaculture, or regular gardening.
  • Available in virtually any size, we build every island by hand to meet your needs.

Shipping Details:


Additional Information:

BIOHAVENS = CONCENTRATED WETLAND EFFECT. Like the natural wetlands, which offer both surface area and circulation, BioHavens offer “augmented surface area.” The unique design is within the “matrix,” our proprietary blend of fibers which are used to create the BioHaven. The matrix is important and serves many different functions including water cleansing, as well as extensive root growth on planted islands.

MORE SURFACE AREA = MORE MICROBES. Microbes start the feeding frenzy and create a residue known as BioFilm. BioFilm is what some of us would look at as the nasty slimy stuff under the islands – it’s usually caught in the roots of the plants. The BioHaven matrix serves as somewhat of a housing unit for all of these microbes…they live in the matrix and feed off of many of the nutrients in the water.

MORE MICROBES = LESS ALGAE. Duckweed and algae are a few common problems with waterways, lakes, and ponds, they also feed off of excess nutrients (the same source that microbes eat). The more that duckweed & algae consume, the more of it you will have in your pond. By creating more microbes, you will eventually starve the algae of its main food source. Microbes in the form of biofilm are the biggest factors in removing nutrients from the water.


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Floating Islands West