Product Description
Aquascape Large Snorkel Vault and Cap
Aquascape Snorkel Vault and Centipede Module were specifically designed to tackle any number of the common issues that plague large scale water features. They are modular in design, allowing builders and designers the flexibility to expand the system to meet their needs.
- Highly effective at removing sediment (suspended solids) from the pond
- Easily access collected sediment with the Snorkel Vault, reducing the need for costly and invasive dredging
- Improves water clarity
- Works on earth bottom and liner membrane ponds
- Strips excess nutrients from the water column, reducing algae and the physical and chemical maintenance that goes along with removing alge
- Easily retrofitted onto existing ponds
- Create a waterfall and stream by designing the wetland filter system off the perimeter of the pond
- Size: 14" L x 14" W x 47" H
- Capacity: for projects requiring a basin over 24" deep
- Flow Rate: pumps up to 10,000 GPH
- Weight: 27 lbs.
The Aquascape Snorkel Vault Extension is recommended when creating deeper basins. Also required when using the AquascapePRO 10,000 or 12PN pump. For use with Large Snorkel Vault (# 29064)
- Size: 14" W x 27.5" H
- Weight: 9.8 lbs.
Recommended Accessories:
- Water Matrix: Aquascape AquaBlox Water Matrix
- Pump: Aquascape Pumps
- Spillway: Aquascape Waterfall Spillway
- Check Valve: Aquascape Check Valve Assemblies