
Applied Biochemist AquaShade

Applied Biochemists

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Applied Biochemist AquaShade

AQUASHADE® is a blend of blue and yellow dyes specifically designed to screen or shade portions of the sunlight spectrum (red-orange and blue-violet) required by underwater aquatic plant and algae growth. This action effectively inhibits photo-synthesis in young, bottom growth and may prevent development altogether if applied early enough in the season.

AQUASHADE® is primarily effective at depths of two feet or greater. Inhibition of Planktonic (suspended) algae blooms has also been proven. Desirable, floating leaved plants such as lilies are unaffected if they have already surfaced and concentrated product does not contact leaves directly.

For control of shallow-water plants, surface algae mats and other free-floating plants unaffected by AQUASHADE®, Applied Biochemists has a variety of quality algaecides and aquatic herbicides to selectively solve these problems. Use of AQUASHADE® in conjunction with these other products provides an effective year round control and maintenance program.

AQUASHADE® is the only "colorant" product of its kind which is registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for aquatic plant growth control. Therefore, it is the only formulation which has gone through the necessary testing to meet these criteria. Aquatic plant growth control claims by other dye manufacturers are illegal under both Federal E.P.A. regulations and U.S. patent laws. Furthermore, aquatic treatment with non-registered dyes, even as a colorant, is illegal in some states. Environmental and regulatory concerns warrant prudent use of properly labeled aquatic treatment products.

Restricted in CT, DC,MA,NJ, NY ME & VT

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Applied Biochemists

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