
1/2″ Outdoor Water Solutions Diffused Aeration Tubing - 125 ft.

Outdoor Water Solutions

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1/2″ Outdoor Water Solutions Diffused Aeration Tubing - 250 ft.

Aerating shallow ponds used to be a real challenge but not with our 1/2″ Diffused Aeration Tubing!

Bottom placed diffusers work great for ponds 8′, 10′, 15′, and even 20′ deep but aren’t always the best choice for shallower ponds or long channels. Our new diffused air tubing works excellent to aerate ponds that are 3-8′ deep and works with our AerMaster Deep Water, AerMaster Ultimate Solar, and our LD 1.5 Electric Aerators.

This is self-weighted tubing that has aeration slits to give you more air spread out over a much bigger area. We can get you lengths in 125′ & 250′ increments

Slits every 3"

Includes: plug for end, connector, 2 hose clamps

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Outdoor Water Solutions