
1/4 HP Sentinel Deluxe PA34-2D System


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1/4 HP Sentinel Deluxe PA34-2D System

Stratus Rocking piston air compressors are designed specifically for the demanding job of 24 hours operation. They are ideal for pond aeration systems. The oil-less design safely aerates ponds with no electricity in the water. The shore mounted compressor sends air through tubing to a bottom mounted diffuser for a safe, effective way to aerate ponds. Compressors are available in 115V or 230V.

  • Inlet air filter, rubber foot pads and 6' power cord included
  • Oil-less operation
  • Low Decibel level: 62dB which is equivalent to a conversation 3 feet away
  • Lightweight die-cast aluminum components, hard coated cylinder for wear resistance
  • Permanently lubricated bearings and easily replaceable piston seal
  • 2 Year Warranty on compressor; 5 Year Warranty on Tubing, Diffusers and Cabinet
  • 50' maximum operating depth
PA34-2D Deluxe kit includes SC22 deluxe locking cabinet with compressor, cooling fan, electrical box valved outlet assembly, pressure relief valve and pressure gauge installed, two air diffusers, fittings and clamps. Does not include tubing.

Aerates ponds up to:

  • 1/4 Acre - 5' to 8' deep
  • 1/2 Acre - 8' to 12' deep
  • 1 Acre - 12' to 16' deep


  • Each package includes our deluxe locking stainless steel cabinet complete with air compressor already installed, a cooling fan already installed and a electrical box/outlet already mounted and ready for your incoming power line
  • Every compressor has a valved outlet assembly, a pressure relief valve and a pressure gauge installed, simply set cabinet in desired location, install the air diffusers and connect the tubing!

SC22 - Cabinet

  • Cabinet size: 16.5" W x 22" L x 19" H
  • 14 gauge galvanized steel with powder coat finish
  • Top and front will open for easy access and service - Stainless steel lock to protect against vandalism
HPAmps*/VoltsCost Per 24 Hours**CFM Air Flow @ Water Depth of 0'CFM Air Flow @ 10'CFM Air Flow @ 20'CFM Air Flow @ 30'CFM Air Flow @ 40'CFM Air Flow @ 50'
1/4 1.8/115 .37 cents 2.5 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.6
1/4 0.9/230 .37 cents 2.5 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.6

1/4 Stratus Rocking Compressor*Amps measured at 10' operating depth
**Cost figured at .09¢ per kwh, 24/7 operation, 10' operating depth. Actual electrical data will depend on operating conditions.


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